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How to be Referred

If you receive medical care through any of the services listed above, you can ask your medical team to refer you. We ask that you give them a little bit of detail about why you would like to be referred to help us make sure you are getting the right support at the right time.

If you have any other queries about the service you can contact us on:

  • Tel: 0151 600 1340

Please note, this number and email are only monitored Monday to Friday, 9am-5pm, if you have an urgent query about yours, or someone else mental health, please call your GP, or ring 111 out of hours. In an emergency please call 999 or attend A&E.


You can also write to us at:

Clinical Health Psychology Services

Clinical Psychology Office

Management Zone

Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Thomas Drive

Liverpool L14 3PE