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Cherry Ward

The staff would like to welcome you to Cherry Ward.

Cherry Ward is a 10 bedded ward specialising in the care of Cystic Fibrosis patients, respiratory management and patients who are admitted for cardiology procedures.  The unit caters for patients from the age of 16 years old.

Each room has an ensuite shower room and comfortable seating area.


Ward Manager Contact Details

Julie Cartwright 

Ward Manager Telephone: 0151 600 1609


Ward Telephone: 0151 600 1428 


Family Information: 

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital operates an open door policy for family and friends. This means that wherever possible, we welcome you spending time with your loved ones when it is convenient for you.

While we know that patients need rest, we also believe that having loved ones nearby, while they are in hospital, often makes them more comfortable and speeds up their recovery.

There is a family area on the ward with a television and small children’s play facility. In the family room there are kitchen facilities available. Family members/partners can be involved in supporting the patient if they wish with different aspects of care. This is known as the Trust Care Partner Programme and staff can advise you on this.

Visiting Times 

There is no restriction to the times to visit, or the number of visitors, but there may be times when we may ask you to leave, for example, during medical procedures or emergencies. However if this is necessary, we would discuss it with you at the time.

Finding our ward

Cherry Ward can be found at the top of the hospital site, opposite Robert Owen House. There is a car park opposite the ward which can be used by blue badge holders as well as other visitors and patients.  Please note there is a charge for blue badge parking. If you are not familiar with the site, please ask for directions.

Access to the ward

Access is via an intercom system, and there is a ramp leading up to the ward which makes access easier.

Meal Times

Cherry Ward has a dedicated Chef who will prepare meals as requested from a broad menu. Normal meal times are approximately

Breakfast - 8 A.m

Lunch - 12PM

Dinner - 5PM

Patients are also advised that they can ask for snacks or meals at any time.

Special Instructions for Patients

Admission to Cherry Ward is planned in advance. If a patient is unwell at home, they should contact the Ward or the specialist team.  Please contact the Hospital Coordinators if out of hours via the hospital Switchboard (0151 600 1616).