Accessing health records and personal information
You have a right to apply for access to information held about you, and in some cases, information held about other people.
The Data Protection Act 2018 (DPA 2018) / UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR) - grants a rights for living individuals to access their own records. The right can also be exercised by an authorised representative on the individual’s behalf.
The Access to Health Records Act 1990 (AHRA)- grants rights of access to deceased patient health records by specified persons.
The Medical Reports Act 1988 - grants right for individuals to have access to reports relating to themselves written by medical practitioners for employment or insurance purposes.
Fees to access health records
The hospital does not routinely charge for processing access to health records and personal data requests. Under data protection law one copy of the requested information will be provided free of charge, a charge however may be applied to requests that are excessive or where disproportionate effort is needed to comply. Additional copies of the requested information will be subject to an administrative charge (minimum charge £10).
Medical practitioners may make a reasonable charge under the Medical Reports Act 1988 for supplying medical reports.
How to apply for access to health records
To see or obtain copies of records a written request must be made to the hospital. Please include the following information and provide proof of identity / right of access - details below:
- Patient's full name, address, date of birth
- Patient's NHS Number, if you have it
- Details of which records or information is required e.g. a complete copy or a copy of a specific section or admission
- Approximate date(s) of admission / attendance and details of treatment
Application can be made using the hospital's standard application form
- Access to health records or other personal information application form (living patients)
- Access to health records application form (deceased patients)
Applications should be submitted to:
Information Governance, Health Records Department
Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust
Thomas Drive
L14 3PE
Applications will be processed in accordance with the relevant legislation and the hospital will aim to provide a response regarding the outcome of applications within one month of receiving the fully completed request, proof of identity and supporting documentation.
Proof of identity and right of access
If applying for access to your own records you will need to send proof of your identity. Please send a copy your passport, photo driving licence or sufficient equivalent identification.
If you are applying for records on behalf of a patient you will need to send proof of your identity and proof of identity for the patient together with written authorisation from the patient.
If applying for access to deceased patient records the Trust will require proof of your identity and your right of access to the health records. Please send a copy your passport, photo driving licence or sufficient equivalent identification.
If you are the deceased patient’s legally appointed executor or administrator please send a copy of the will or grant of probate. If you have a claim arising from the patient’s death you are required to send documentary evidence to support this.
Exemptions to access
You may not be allowed to see records if:
- your doctor or another senior healthcare professional thinks seeing your records could seriously harm you
- the information involves an identified person who does not consent to it being disclosed. This does not include either you or any healthcare professional.
- you are applying on behalf of someone who has died or isn’t capable of managing their own affairs and they originally instructed that the information shouldn’t be revealed.
Can I change my records?
If you think you record or information we hold is wrong, you can ask for it to be corrected. We will add a note to your records saying why you think the information is inaccurate. The hospital is obliged to make corrections if the record contains inaccuracies. Please contact Information Governance or Information Governance, Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Thomas Drive, Liverpool, L14 3PE