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Learning And Development


At LHCH we are committed to providing a rewarding staff experience. We believe strongly in offering continued development to ensure each staff member reaches their highest level of performance and ability.

All staff are required to undertake an annual personal development review (PDR) which is linked to the Trust’s values and behaviours and the Patient and Family Experience Vision.

We recently held the Trust’s annual Apprenticeship Awards where a range of our staff were awarded for their personal achievement and the positive impact they have had on patient care. 



 In summary, Learning and Development will:

  • ensure that staff are equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to ensure that the Trust delivers its Patient and Family Experience Vision
  • focus on strengthening the organisation’s capacity and capability by ensuring effective and qualitative investment in learning and development
  • be equally accessible to all staff regardless of race, gender,  sexual orientation, religion, age or disability
  • be multi-disciplinary, where possible
  • ensure that all staff will receive basic training and more specialised training where appropriate, meeting all statutory and legal requirements.
  • support employee development and encourage staff to take an active responsibility in developing their own competence.
  • be conducted in partnership, where possible, with our local health community