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Care Partner

Care Partner Programme – Being involved with your relatives care in hospital

What we do

We are keen to support people who want to be involved in the care of their relative while they are in hospital. This can help the patient to feel more secure in an unfamiliar environment such as a busy hospital ward or unit. You may already be involved in caring and may have a lot of knowledge and experience about their likes and dislikes and what feels comfortable for them.

Staff will explain to you how much care you can safely be involved in, any limits or restrictions because of your relative’s current illness and infection control procedures, such as hand washing.

The staff will check with you regularly to see how you are feeling and whether you wish to have more or less involvement. You can always change your mind if you are finding it too much.

If you would like to be involved in your relative’s care, please speak to one of the nurses on the ward, they will be happy to talk to you about how you can help. Your relative must give their consent (if they are able) for you to care for them in hospital, we call this our `Care Partner Programme`.

Staff will discuss with you the following:

  •          What care do you usually give at home?
  •          Have you been trained in delivering any care?
  •          What do you feel you are or are not able to do?
  •          Whether the patient has any special equipment at home which may be brought in to support them.
  •          When you would be able to help – at mealtimes for instance.
  •          Meals – ensuring that the patient has the correct nutritional needs for their condition
  •          Confidentiality – relatives may be asked to leave the ward at handover and during ward rounds involving other patients
  •          Basic trust policies
  •          The fire procedure.

Our priority is our patient’s recovery. However, we know that relatives and carers play a critical role in caring for people at home. We want to learn and benefit from your valuable skills and experience.

Please do not feel that we are placing an extra burden on you. Your health and wellbeing is important to us as well! 

You can download the Care Partner Leaflet here.

Please speak to your ward manager or the nurse involved in your care for further details