Critical Care Unit

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Critical Care Unit is a purpose built, 30 bedded, state-of-the-art facility divided into two distinct areas;
Our Post-Operative Critical Care Unit (POCCU) is a 30 bedded area.
Our Intensive Care Unit (ICU) boasts 12 individual rooms, six of which include isolation capacity, making this the largest facility of its kind in the region.
Ward Contact Details
Critical Care Manager
Jacqui Stratton
Tel: 0151 600 1110
Ward Reception
Tel: 0151 600 1017
Clare Harrop
Tel: 0151 600 1857
Tel: 0151 600 1147 / 1117
Tel: 0151 600 1148
Tel: 0151 600 1140
Tel: 0151 600 1129
What Type of Patients Stay on the Critical Care Unit?
- Patients come to POCCU following major surgery. They usually stay for 24-48 hours. POCCU also has a separate isolation zone for COVID positive patients.
- Patients on ITU require longer and more intensive treatment/care.
Our Critical Care Outreach Service
Key Roles:
- 24/7 service
- Assess acutely ill/deteriorating patients
- Facilitate safe transfer to Critical Care
- Follow up for Critical Care patients
- Follow up visits after discharge
- Education & teaching
For more detailed information, please review our Critical Care Outreach page.
Special Instructions for Patients staying in the Critical Care Unit
- During your stay in POCCU/ITU the amount of property/belongings that you will require is minimal.
Family Information
Whilst a patient is on critical care it is recommended that only close/immediate family/carers visit. The amount of space around each bed space only allows for 2 people to visit at any one time.
Visiting Times
Please note that you are welcome on our Critical Care Unit and POCCU between 8-9am and 12-8pm. However if this is not suitable, you may visit outside of these hours – please discuss this with the nurse caring for your relative.
The nature of Critical Care means that on occasion you may be asked to wait outside if your relative needs specific care, treatment or therapy at that time.
A Patient Journey Through Our Post Operative Critical Care Unit
Finding the Critical Care Unit
The Critical Care Unit in situated on Level 3 in the new building.
Access to the Ward
Critical care is accessed via an intercom system. There is a large open plan visiting area with a manned reception which has two family rooms.
Meal times
Breakfast: 8:00-8:30
Lunch: 12:00-12:30
Dinner: 4:30- 5:00