Post-operative ward stay
The average length of stay in the hospital after cardiac surgery is around 5-7 days. Some people may be ready to go home after 3 days, others will need ongoing care for a longer period of time. You will stay in hospital until you are medically and socially fit to leave.
During your inpatient stay after surgery, you will begin to walk as soon as you can manage (often on the first day after surgery) and eat and drink normally. Tests including blood tests, ECGs and chest X-rays are performed on various days of the recovery. Your tubes, lines and monitors will all gradually come off as you recover.
Consultant ward rounds
There are consultant surgeon ward rounds every day from Monday to Friday. Your own surgeon may also come to see you, but the daily ward round conducted by the surgical team will be your usual standard of care.
On the ward round you may meet:
- Consultant surgeons
- Advanced Nurse Practitioners
- Junior Doctors
- Pharmacists
- The ward sister or charge nurse
- Students
At weekends, the ward round is conducted by senior registrars, the grade of doctor below consultants. They will also be accompanied by other team members as above. There is always a consultant available for advice if needed.