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World First at LHCH

Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital recently became the first heart centre in the UK and EU to acquire the world's first and only fully autonomous artificial intelligence (AI) driven robotic transcranial doppler (TCD) ultrasound system for use in open aortic arch surgery.  

Thanks to the support of LHCH Charity, LHCH has been able to purchase NovaGuide - a fully autonomous robotic TCD system that monitors blood flow velocities during aortic surgery.

Professor Mark Field, Consultant Aortic and Cardiac Surgeon at LHCH, said:

“Robotic TCD has the potential to inject a level of sophistication and nuance to neuromonitoring, resulting in patient specific neuroprotective strategies.

"What this means in practice is that this new system will ensure even better and safer patient care for those individuals undergoing highly specialised aortic arch surgery at LHCH.”

For further information about the robotic transcranial doppler ultrasound system, please visit the Brawn Medical website.