Invitation to attend our Annual Members’ Meeting 2024
Tuesday 17th September, 4pm
We’d love you to join us virtually to celebrate our LHCH successes of 2023-24, receive the annual report and accounts from the Board of Directors and hear a report from our Governors along with details of our future plans and service developments. We will also be joined by our Aortic Surgery team who will share a presentation on our services. This service is celebrating twenty-five years in Liverpool this year.
This is also a perfect opportunity to share views and ask us any questions you may have regarding the services we provide.
The meeting will take place in person in the LHCH Conference Room, Research Unit and on Microsoft teams. To register your attendance and to request the meeting link to join please email or call 0151 600 1410.
Please indicate if you are a Public or Staff Member on registration to support us with record keeping of the meeting. We hope to see you there!