We are part of the Knowsley Community Respiratory Service and within our service we provide Pulmonary Rehabilitation.
What is pulmonary rehabilitation?
Pulmonary rehabilitation (PR) is a 9-week programme consisting of physical activity and education under the supervision of a specialist therapy team to improve patient’s management of their lung condition.
The exercises are designed for people with a range of respiratory conditions including COPD, bronchiectasis, interstitial lung disease (ILD), lung transplant and asthma affecting their quality of life and daily living tasks.
What does the course involve?
When you are referred to us, you will be complete an initial assessment that takes place at different venues in the Knowsley area; the assessment will be with a physiotherapist, respiratory practitioner, or an exercise physiologist, to decide if you are suitable for pulmonary rehabilitation. During the assessment you will complete a walking test to ascertain your level of fitness and breathlessness.
Each session consists of about 60 minutes of personalised exercise tailored to your ability and created to suit your specific needs and goals, based off a walk test completed prior to starting the course. Exercise consists of both endurance and resistance-based exercises and help you manage your breathlessness. The programme will gradually progress as you feel more able.
Pulmonary rehabilitation is not just about completing exercises.
After completing the exercise class patients are provided with an educational session based on a different topic each week.
During the education sessions you will learn about:
- Lung condition (anatomy, physiology, pathology) & flare-up management
- Airway Clearance
- Breathlessness management
- Nutrition
- Benefit of exercise (identifying and changing believes about exercise)
- Drugs and medication, oxygen + inhaler technique
- Living with a long-term respiratory condition - Relaxation and anxiety management
- Local available NHS and community support for patients with lung conditions & weather
- SMART goal setting & behaviour change
While completing the course patients are also offered extra opportunities such as home exercise plans, park walks and gym sessions.
Is pulmonary rehabilitation for me?
Pulmonary rehabilitation is a service that aims to improve breathlessness, exercise tolerance and overall quality of life for individuals with a long-term respiratory condition.
Breathlessness can be one of the symptoms of long-term lung conditions, it can be uncomfortable, frightening and so you may naturally try to avoid activities which make you breathless. This can lead to the viscous cycle of inactivity, thus impacting on your daily life and well-being.
Avoiding activities leads to weaker muscles, therefore increasing muscles effort and increased breathlessness.
This can then make it more difficult for you to do the activities you used to do and so may reduce your quality of life and limit your daily activities.
Pulmonary rehabilitation can be the first step to breaking that cycle with expert support from a team of physiotherapists and exercise physiologist.
How would pulmonary rehabilitation benefit me?
Pulmonary rehabilitation is very effective, with lots of research proving that it makes a real difference to patients’ lives.
After a course of pulmonary rehabilitation most people:
- Can walker further and faster
- Feel less breathless during routine daily activities
- Sleep better and have more energy
- Have improved muscle strength in arms and legs
- Have fewer chest infections and admissions to hospital
- Have a better understanding of their medications and inhaler devices
- Have an understanding of the benefit of exercise and how to safely exercise within their limits.
Benefits of pulmonary rehabilitation
- Enhance the knowledge and understanding of your respiratory condition
- Manage your condition effectively
- Improve knowledge of inhaled medication
- Improve your strength and fitness
- Help you manage your breathlessness and ultimately improve your quality of life as well as both physical and mental well-being.
- Improve health related quality of life
- Increase confidence
- Decrease exercise related breathlessness
- Reduce chest infections
- Reduce risks of hospital admissions
How can I join the course?
Ask your GP, respiratory consultant, practice nurse, respiratory nurse, allied healthcare professional if you would like to be referred to our service.
You can also contact the Knowsley Pulmonary Rehabilitation team on 0151 600 1844 to speak about joining the course or for further information.
Exercise locations and venues
The PR team provides classes in five different sites across the borough; below are the locations we use to complete our PR sessions:
- Kirkby Leisure Centre, 105 Cherryfield Dr, Liverpool L32 8SA
- Whiston Town Hall (WTH), Old Colliery Rd, Whiston, Prescot L35 3QX
- Halewood Leisure centre, Baileys Ln, Halewood, Liverpool L26 0TY
- Stockbridge Neighbourhood Centre, The Whitens, Stockbridge Village, Liverpool L28 1AB
- Knowsley and Leisure Culture Park, Longview Dr, Huyton, Liverpool L36 6EG
The park walks locations are:
- Stadt Moers Park, Whiston on Monday, 1-2pm or 2-3pm.
- Halewood Park, Halewood on Friday, 10-11am or 11am-12pm.
- Mill Dam Park, Kirkby on Friday, 1-2pm or 2-3pm.
The gym venues’ locations are:
- Kirkby Leisure Centre, 105 Cherryfield Dr, Liverpool L32 8SA
- Halewood Leisure centre, Baileys Ln, Halewood, Liverpool L26 0TY
- Stockbridge Neighbourhood Centre, The Whitens, Stockbridge Village, Liverpool L28 1AB
- Prescot Soccer Centre, 119 Warrington Road, Prescot, L35 5AD
Some of the comments below are from patients who have attended the Knowsley Pulmonary Rehabilitation Course.
Jane, Condition: COPD
“Definite improvement without a doubt, I must be able to walk at least 6 times further since the classes. I’ve even bought some weights, steps, and a pedal bike which I try to use 3 times a week at home. I went from struggling to lift 0.5kg in the first session, to now lifting 3kg at home during exercise. My breathing has definitely improved. I didn’t know much about COPD beforehand, the educational classes after were very beneficial. It improved my inhaler technique. The diet education was also very helpful in what to eat and what not to eat. Very interesting to listen to other to see what experience they have had in the past. It’s good to know you’re not on your own. I would definitely recommend one million percent. It gets you moving and gives you motivation, no one was pushed or forced to do anything, just very supportive and encouraging.”
Graham, Condition: COPD
“Very good very helpful and the people were all very friendly. The sessions helped with my walking; I can now walk at least 25% more than I could before the classes. I would 100% recommend. Absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain.”
James, Condition: bronchiectasis
“The exercise class was beneficial, low key and no pressure to do the exercises if you feel uncomfortable. The exercises overall fine. Walking the dog is now easier. Really good as a group activity. The Staff were informative, courteous, and helpful.”
Mark, Condition: COPD
“Excellent very rewarding and informative. I’ve carried on with the exercise by trying to go to the baths 2-3 times a week and I’ve lost a bit of weight. The 3 months access to the fitness centre is worth it, that alone would of cost me £40-£50 which makes you want to make use of it while you have it. All good wasn’t a bad part of it. Definitely would recommend, it’s an eye opener.”
Joan, Condition: COPD
“When I first joined the class, I didn’t see how using dumbbells and a bike would help with my COPD, I didn’t think it would work. I was very surprised to see how much I’ve improved and how it’s helped my breathlessness. Before I did the course, I struggled with my breathlessness getting dressed. Now I can get dressed and make the bed before I feel breathless at all. It has made household tasks much easier. I found the education helpful, from the education sessions I asked for an Aerobika which has helped clearing my chest so much. I would recommend. Waiting for my induction for the 3-month activity for life. I will definitely continue doing the exercises whilst I have the 3 months free access and I’m even thinking of getting a membership when it finishes. "
Margarot, Condition: COPD
“The exercises are definitely beneficial, they keep pushing you by stepping up your exercises when they feel you can do more, which is really good. The staff are always there and happy to help if you’re finding anything difficult. I struggled to walk before starting the classes, but my walking has improved since. The classes are beneficial; I found the mental health session very interesting. I think because it gives people a chance to open up about their experiences. A lot of people find it beneficial knowing they aren’t on their own with how they feel. I would recommend to anyone with a lung condition, I have already recommended to a family member in the hopes they would see the same benefits I did.”
Aiden, Condition: COPD
“The exercises were very helpful. Before the classes I couldn’t walk properly, I’d struggle to go out. Since doing the exercises I’ve seen a massive improvement in my mobility and walking distance. I learnt how to use inhalers, what foods to eat and about mental health. Sometimes new people would come to the class worried about different things, it's really good to see other people who are further down the line in the programme giving advice and helping others from their experiences. I would recommend everybody to go the classes, sometimes you think because you have this condition a long time you know everything about it. This class teaches you how to do everything properly so you can manage your condition better.”
External resources
Below are some useful links on these topics from Asthma and Lung UK:
- What is COPD
- What is IPF (Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis)?
- What is Bronchiectasis?
- How to cope with breathlessness
- Eating well for healthier lungs
- How your lungs work
- Keeping active
- Medications for respiratory diseases
- Oxygen therapy
- Sex and breathlessness
- End of life care
- How to stop smoking
Travelling with a lung condition
Travelling with a lung condition – abroad or in the UK – may seem daunting and off putting but this does not need to be the case.
Journeys may prove more difficult if you require oxygen.
The Asthma and Lung UK website provides more information about travelling with a lung condition.
Meet the Team