Mr Manoj Kuduvalli
Medical Director
Contact Details
Personal Assistant
0151 600 1660
Responsibilities at LHCH
Medical Director. Mr Manoj Kuduvalli holds a voting position on the Board of Directors.
Area of Practice
Cardiac and Aortic Surgery
Special Clinical interests
Aortic Surgery and TAVI
Research Interests
Clinical research around Aortic Surgery
Regional and National responsibilities
Surgical Tutor, LHCH
Current membership of Professional Regional and National Bodies
- Society for Cardiothoracic Surgery in Great Britain and Ireland (SCTS)
- European Association for Cardio-Thoracic Surgery (EACTS)
Languages Spoken
- English
- Hindi
- Kannada
- Marathi
Why Choose LHCH?
The quality or care and attention to detail in LHCH is extremely good, it is not surprising that we have achieved an Outstanding rating with CQC. The staff are extremely empathetic in their care and patients and their families have a very positive experience.
Professional Profile (including Training and Education)
- MBBS – India 1991
- MS (General Surgery) and M.Ch (Cardiovascular and Thoracic Surgery) – India1999
- FRCS (C-Th) 2005
- CCST in Cardiothoracic Surgery, UK, 2006
About Manoj
My interests outside work include; fell walking and trekking, golf and photography.