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Familial Hypercholesterolaemia Service

How else can I improve my cholesterol?

It’s important for everyone to aim for a healthy lifestyle, even if you are having cholesterol treatment, as this reduces your risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) even more. You can do this by:

1. Stopping smoking is one of the best things you can do to improve your cholesterol and overall cardiovascular risk. Your health beings to improve within days of stopping and within a year your risk of heart disease is halved. There are several ways to stop and you are much more likely to succeed if you have help. Find  NHS Stop Smoking Services near you. 

2. Achieving and maintaining a healthy weight by making healthy choices and change of lifestyle. 


Eating a healthy diet

Achieving a normal weight

Foods to reduce cholesterol

- <30% of energy consumes.
- Saturated fats <7% of total energy eaten.
- Use mono- or poly-unsaturated fats; e.g olive oil or rapeseed oil instead.
- Avoid fried or roast food, processed food & takeaways.
- Cook by grilling, baking, steaming & poaching.

- Wholegrain.
- Less refined starches & sugars.

- Lean protein.
- More plant-based protein.

Focus on:
- 5 portions of fruit & veg a day
- 2 portions of fish per week.
- 4.5 nuts & seeds per week.
- Use herbs & spices to flavour instead of butter & salt.

Measure BMI of children and adults using a BMI calculator.
Setting realistic weight loss goals.
Seek advice about local specialist services for high BMI >40.

Tailored, individual approach to weight loss with emphasis on:
– healthy diet
– control eating pace
– behaviour change
– relapse prevention

Control triggers for over-eating.

Reward achievement, especially children.

Support self-monitoring of weight & waist circumference.

Social support networks.

Aim for >30g/day of dietary fibre.

Mediterranean balanced diet is recommended to reduce CVD risk, with plenty of:
– fruit
– vegetables
– nuts
– seeds
– legumes
– fish

Plant stanols & sterols, fish oils, omega 3 are not routinely recommended.