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Cardio-oncology is the care of heart problems in cancer patients.

LHCH offer a comprehensive cardio-oncology service addressing the needs of patients before, during and after their cancer treatment.

Our goal is to optimise the cardiovascular care of cancer patients, thus enabling oncology teams to deliver optimum systemic anti-cancer therapy.

In October 2024, we were delighted to announce that our cardio-oncology service had been awarded gold status as a Centre of Excellence from the International Cardio-Oncology Society.

international cardio-oncology society logo

Our team

Dr Rebecca Dobson

Lead Cardio-Oncologist

Dr Marousa Ntouskou

Consultant Radiologist

Professor Jay Wright

Consultant Cardiologist

Mr Andrew Muir

Cardiac Surgeon

Dr David Gent

PhD Research Fellow

Rebecca Dobson 524x392
Marousa Ntouskou
Jay wRIGHT 524X392
Andrew Muir 524x392
Headshots dg

Dr Clare Hammond

Consultant Cardiologist

Mike Hall

Cardiac Physiologist

Patrick O'Driscoll

Cardiac Physiologist

Lesley Jackson

Cardiac Physiologist

Laura Mellor

Service Co-ordinator

clare hammond headshot
Laura Mellor Headshot

Clare McKillop 

Cardiology Pharmacist

Mary-Ann McGurran 

Specialist Nutrition Support Dietitian

Amanda Worthington

Cardio-Oncology Clinical Nurse Specialist

Clare McKillop Headshot
Mary-Ann McGurran Headshot
Amanda Worthington Headshot

Cardio-oncology assessment

The cardio-oncology service will determine the investigations you need. This may include an ECG, ambulatory ECG, blood tests, transthoracic echocardiogram, CT scan and/or cardiac MRI scan.


Our Services

Cardio Oncology1

Referral and MDT Information

To refer a patient to the cardio-oncology service (clinic, echocardiogram or MDT discussion) please access our referral form by clicking here.

Our cardio-oncology MDT takes place 1300-1400h every Thursday via Teams.

Please send completed forms to