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Oxygen Assessment Service

The Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Oxygen Assessment Service offer patients an individualised assessment for the provision of oxygen treatment, including ambulatory (portable) oxygen therapy where appropriate, for all patients in whom oxygen therapy is considered.

During the appointment the initial assessment involves a harmless procedure of a probe being placed onto their finger to identify how much oxygen is circulating in the blood. If this oxygen level falls below a set criteria then an additional blood test will be requested and obtained to determine if oxygen is required at rest or not.

All active patients or those who are mobile outdoors will then be offered a simple “walk test” to see if they would benefit from portable oxygen cylinders to help improve their quality of life.

All patients are provided with a respiratory medication review and offered a referral to pulmonary rehabilitation if required/appropriate.

All care is planned individually respecting patient’s values and views. Patients who qualify for oxygen therapy will have regular follow-up which will either include home visits/ and or clinic appointments depending on their oxygen treatment.

The majority of these patients will have COPD but assessments are provided to those with other respiratory conditions such as pulmonary fibrosis (scarring on the lungs). 

The Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital Oxygen Assessment Service also provide a telephone advice line for oxygen enquiries, including advice and support for patients wishing to travel in the UK and abroad: 0151 600 1537 (Mon-Friday 9-5, excluding Bank holidays)

Holiday Oxygen Information can also be found here