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National Staff Survey Results 2019

LHCH is one of the best hospitals in the country to receive treatment according to the results of this year’s national NHS Staff Survey.

The survey results, published on Tuesday 18th February, showed that LHCH was the top specialist trust in the country for 22 key findings including:

  • Staff being able to deliver the care to which they aspire.
  • The support staff members get from colleagues.
  • Communication between senior managers and staff being effective.
  • My organisation acting on concerns raised by patients.
  • My organisation encouraging staff to report errors, near misses or incidents and taking action to ensure that they do not happen again.

The findings also showed LHCH scored among the top five trusts in the country for: 

  • care of patients being our top priority
  • the hospital as a place to receive treatment
  • overall staff engagement.

The NHS Staff Survey, covering 11 ‘themes’ - such as quality of care; safety culture; staff engagement; health and wellbeing - was carried out between October and December 2019. It was completed by 1,037 staff (64%) at LHCH – a 5% increase from 2018.

Jane Tomkinson, Chief Executive, said: “The results of this year’s national survey are once again pleasing, especially in those areas where improvements have been made since 2018. 

“It’s particularly pleasing to know that some of these improvements are a result of our targeted work around Freedom to Speak Up, appraisals and supporting our leaders.

“We’re extremely grateful to all those who took time to complete the annual survey, and we look forward to making further improvements in the next 12 months in the areas highlighted by our staff.”

Full breakdown of the 2019 NHS Staff Survey results