LHCH is the TOP place to work in the country
LHCH is the TOP place to work in the country according to the results of this year’s national NHS Staff Survey 2023, when benchmarked against all trusts.
The results of this year’s survey, taken from more than 700,000 people working in 268 NHS organisations, including all 213 trusts in England, also showed that LHCH was the TOP rated Trust in the country for five other areas:
- Care is our top priority
- We are compassionate and inclusive
- We each have a voice that counts
- Staff engagement
- Morale
Furthermore, this year’s findings highlighted LHCH as the BEST performing Acute Specialist Trust in eight areas, with improved year-on-year scores for each survey element.
The NHS Staff Survey was carried out between September and December 2023 and completed by 1209 staff (64%) at LHCH, which compares with a national response rate of 48%.
Once again, this year’s survey aligned with the seven elements of the NHS People Promise (We are compassionate and inclusive; We are recognised and rewarded; We each have a voice that counts; We are safe and healthy; We are always learning; We work flexibly; We are a team), and also looked at two additional themes (Staff engagement and Morale) and a number of other questions.
Jane Royds, Chief People Officer at Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital, said: “Thank you to all staff who completed our staff survey.
“We are extremely delighted with the findings and feedback from our staff in this year’s national survey, which show how highly they value Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital as an outstanding place to work, and as an outstanding place for our patients to receive care and treatment. Knowing that our staff recognise LHCH so highly is really important and means so much to us all.
“The feedback that we receive from our staff each year is always gratefully received because their voice is important to us. However, where there are areas that we can make further improvements to our services and provisions for staff, we will look to work with our teams to undertake action in the next 12 months.
The full national results can be found here: https://nhssurveys.co.uk/nss/summary_scores/organisational