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NHS Staff Survey Results 2021

LHCH is one of the best hospitals in the country to receive care and to work according to the results of this year’s national NHS Staff Survey 2021.

The survey results of 280 NHS organisations, including all 217 trusts, were published on Wednesday 30th March 2022, and showed that LHCH was the TOP trust in the country for two key areas:

  • Care of patients is my organisation’s top priority
  • Staff engagement

The findings also showed that LHCH was in the top four NHS organisations in the country for the following two areas:

  • Recommend my organisation as a place to receive care
  • Recommend my organisation as a place to work

Furthermore, this year’s findings highlighted LHCH as the top performing Acute Specialist Trust in these areas:

  • Care of patients is my organisation’s top priority
  • Recommend my organisation as a place to work
  • Staff engagement

The NHS Staff Survey was carried out between September and December 2021 and was completed by 1060 staff (62%) at LHCH, which compares with a national response rate of 48%.

For the first time, this year’s survey aligned with the seven elements of the NHS People Promise (We are compassionate and inclusive; We are recognised and rewarded; We each have a voice that counts; We are safe and healthy; We are always learning; We work flexibly; We are a team). It also looked at two additional themes (Staff engagement and Morale) and a number of other questions. 

Full breakdown of the 2021 NHS Staff Survey results