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Brew Monday


Blue Monday is on Monday 18th January and is the day of the year that it is believed we feel our lowest. Help us turn Blue Monday into Brew Monday and share a socially distanced brew with colleagues and check in with members of your household.  It’s also important to check in with others – with the restrictions in place you could share a brew virtually or by phone.  This is more crucial than ever this year with the impact of the pandemic and lockdown has had on mental health.  The Clinical Psychology Team at LHCH have provided the following top tips for looking after your mental health during the Covid 19 pandemic:

  • Be mindful of your sleep and diet. We often underestimate the impact these things have on our mental health and general well-being.
  • Lockdown has up-ended many of our routines, and we have swiftly come to appreciate the need for structure in our day to day lives. This may need to look a little different during lockdown however do your best to implement a consistent routine throughout your week.
  • Spend some time thinking about what’s important in your life; what is it you value. Make a short list and try and do something every day that’s in line with one of these values.
  • Take some time every day to pay attention to the world around you. This could be through a short walk, meditation or even something as simple as fully paying attention to an everyday task that you undertake with your family. This will help ground you in the ‘here and now’ and draw your mind away from going round in circles.
  • Be vigilant to the amount of exposure to social media and news broadcasts. Whilst this can be a helpful way to stay connected to people and current affairs it can needlessly exacerbate our worries and concerns.
  • Be kind to yourself. You’re not going to ‘get it right’ all the time. These are strange times and we’re all learning how to cope and adapt in these evolving and new circumstances; keep in mind that all you can do, is the best you can.
  • Be aware that our thoughts can, at times, run away with themselves, leading us to have thought processes or take actions that can hinder rather than help us. This is simply part of being human. Try to ‘step back’ mentally at such times, where thoughts of feelings might start to feel overwhelming; take a breath and bring your mind to the ‘here and now’, focusing your mind on what you are doing right now; why you are doing this; why this is important to you to do so; and then consider your next steps.


A virtual health event will take place during the day to consider how we can look after our mental health during a pandemic.  For more information please visit the designated page.  Places are still available by emailing